Taylor Burnfield

The Tragic End of America’s First Supermodel

Somewhere in 1990s New York, a distraught elderly woman rushes into a smoke-filled bar.

Everyone stops to stare at this frantic, unkempt woman who has just dashed across a four-lane highway.

She begins telling grandiose tales of her once-iconic beauty and of a previous life of fame. The patrons of the bar ignore this pitiful old woman. Not long after her entrance, the police arrive to take her back to the nearby mental asylum where she lives.

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The Woman Who Photographed America’s Darkest Days

On a dreary day in 1936, Lange approaches a starving woman in California. She works as a pea farmer and her husband has recently died of tuberculosis. 

The woman and her 7 children struggle to survive by eating only frozen vegetables while living in a makeshift campsite. 

Lange snaps a shot of the mother and her children. It is only one of the thousands of photos she takes during the Great Depression.

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Interview: Pastor Jay Bakker

"Politics have become what side you’re on, rather than what’s important.” 

An interview with Jay Bakker, head of the Revolution Church, revealing his thoughts concerning homosexuality and the church, the future of Christianity, the situation at the U.S. border, and President Trump…

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Rise and fall of The Sun Palace: history of the Cragmor Sanatorium

 During the heyday of the sanatorium in the 1920s, lavish parties were a nightly occurrence; even during prohibition, alcohol flowed freely.  

 At Christmas time, the sanatorium was decorated with over 2,000 feet of garland, love affairs between patients were common and some patients even got married on the property. 

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